We answer your questions!
Consult this section for quick answers to your questions. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’d be delighted to provide you with more information about Ferme la Rose Des Vents’ products and services!
Is it possible to buy your products directly from the farm?
We do not have a sales counter at the farm. We invite you to order in advance, by contacting us at 819-623-5672 or online, directly on this website. When your order is ready, we’ll call you and you can pick it up at our Mont-Laurier farm. Ferme La Rose Des Vents chicken products are also available in Mont-Laurier (IGA Marché Leblanc) and surrounding areas. They are also available in Abitibi, Outaouais, Laurentides and Montreal. Consult the list of our points of sale.
If I place an order, how long do I have to pick it up?
Order preparation time depends on the day of the week you order your farm products. Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays are dedicated to our retailer orders delivered outside our premises. Thursdays and Fridays are devoted to orders from private customers. Please wait for our call before picking up your order.
Are online orders restricted to Mont-Laurier and surrounding areas?
If you are outside the Hautes-Laurentides region, contact us at to find out if we can deliver to you. It’s sometimes possible for us to extend our delivery territory, depending on the needs of our retailers in the Laurentians, Montreal, Abitibi and Outaouais. If you’re on our way, we invite you to place an order online!
Can I choose the delivery day for my order?
All our deliveries are made on Wednesdays or Thursdays. It is therefore not possible to choose a delivery time outside of these days. Together, we can agree on a meeting point. The meeting point must be on our route, with no possible detours. Our delivery driver will contact you by telephone at least one hour before the meeting. A delivery charge of $9.95 before taxes applies and is payable in advance. If you’re interested in ordering, please contact us!
Where can I find your products?
We have several points of sale, from Abitibi to Gatineau and Montreal. For exact locations and addresses, please consult the page Points of sale.
Why is Ferme La Rose Des Vents chicken so popular?
Since 1945, Ferme La Rose Des Vents has worked hard to offer exceptional chicken. Our family business is now run by third-generation women, and we’re proud to be a member of the Éleveurs de volailles du Québec. Constantly evolving, we strive to offer you quality products. Our chicken is fed on 100% vegetable grain and contains no animal by-products or added medication. It’s also air-cooled, so your product won’t shrink during cooking. Our facilities are designed to respect the cold chain and offer you a product that lives up to your expectations!
What is a grain-fed chicken?
To be considered a grain-fed chicken, the feed used must be entirely vegetable. Of course, all Quebec chickens are grain-fed, but the difference lies in the addition of animal by-products (meat meal, bones, viscera and feathers) to the feed. For some producers, this means lower rearing costs. At Ferme La Rose Des Vents, our feed recipe is specially designed for our farm and is made from 100% vegetable grain, with no animal by-products or added medication. Over the years, we’ve fine-tuned our recipe using the farm’s traditional methods, until we’ve achieved a tasty, juicy, high-quality meat.
Are your chickens free-range, outdoors, happy?
Our breeding facilities are vast spaces where our chickens are free to roam as they please on a comfortable wood litter, in an environment controlled by employees who care about animal welfare. Thanks to our ventilation systems, they have access to daylight and well-controlled air circulation. In this way, we avoid any contact with wild birds that could transmit bacteria and viruses, which could require treatment with antibiotics.
Why are your chickens air-cooled?
All our poultry is air-cooled. Air pre-cooling involves rapidly lowering the temperature of the chicken to reduce the risk of bacterial proliferation. It also helps keep your products as purchased, so they don’t shrink during cooking.
What does it mean to respect the cold chain?
Respecting the cold chain means keeping refrigerated (4°C or less) or frozen (-18°C or less) foodstuffs at a safe internal temperature at every stage, from slaughter to delivery. Our cutting and packing rooms are maintained at a temperature of 7°C at all times.
Are your frozen products fresh?
All our products are packed and frozen fresh. So there are no unwanted surprises when it comes to the quality of your product.
What defrosting technique do you recommend?
Ideally, you should defrost your product in the refrigerator, even if this means planning your meals in advance. For faster defrosting, you can place your products in cold water. You can always refer to MAPAQ (Ministère de l’Agriculture, Pêcheries et Alimentation du Québec) standards for safe thawing.
Why aren't your chickens certified organic?
We’re not organic by choice. Our high-quality chickens are raised with respect for the environment. Our customers greatly appreciate our poultry, so we’ve chosen to offer an alternative between conventional and organic by offering a natural chicken.
What is your satisfaction guarantee policy?
We want your online ordering experience with Ferme La Rose Des Vents to be a pleasant one. If you have a problem with your order, we invite you toplease contact usso that we can follow up and/or find a solution to the problem, if necessary. We want you to be satisfied with our products and services.
How can I work at Ferme La Rose Des Vents?
You can visit our Employment. Our jobs are also posted on Facebook and Instagram.
Do you have gift certificates?
To obtain gift certificates, you can request them directly by contacting us by telephone or by visiting Ferme La Rose Des Vents.